Odette Hasenfratz

Odette Hasenfratz

Sito web:

Thank you for taking a little time reading my profile.
I am a photographer free-lance, and I adore my work of photographs advertising and free-lance.
The art to photograph&
In front of the objective, between the car and the reality me himself in one artist that paints a masterpiece... making every photo of mine an unique piece to fascinate the soul of whom observes it...
I live by nearly five years in a stupendous island that is Sicily, in fact often will see photo of it.
To photograph is a term that derives from the Greek, and translated it literally means: "to write with the light." Inspiration can be drawn by every thing: beauty hides him in the strangest places. to photograph means to observe the world to find it, to immortalize it and to share it.
I appreciate comments, and flickr social activities, so please do not hesitate in commenting or doing some kind of criticism to my photos. Please DO NOT use any of my photo's without my permission.

Odette Hasenfratz Photography ®
© Copyright 2009 Italy
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Fotografie Odette Hasenfratz

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